Thursday, December 10, 2009

Everything I have ever learned in college summed up in one song....

Which begs the question...
Why don't they just play this song and call it a day?


ps. 8 more days till I'm done!

Friday, December 4, 2009

16 more days!

Until I can post on this thing whenever I want! Whoo HOOO! 16 more days until I graduate.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Sounds so intriguing! Bacon Vodka.... whooddaaa thunk....

But what would you put it in?


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

BBC's pictures of the day...

Whale vs. a school of Sardines... so epic


Monday, October 12, 2009

How cool is this?

Gosh I love star wars and I want this helmet for my birthday! hahaha

It's fall break right now. And I have so much work to get done but I am glad to have the break and be able to share the good times with my friends and my roommate!

I miss my pups though!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

How cute is my mom?

She left this fortunate cookie on my bed with its own fortune....


The puppies!


Miss them already.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

American Politics

After studying other political systems (especially government structure of European states) I can't help wonder what would happen if there was a multi-party system in the United states....


Friday, September 25, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My apartment...

Hey guys so I just wanted to let you know that I while also mainting this blog and a blog in spanish called glattyenespanol (which is for my spanish class) I also have started a blog about being a poor college student while also being a foody... everyone should check it out. Its called the Epicurious Academics....

Recommendations on what to cook next are always welcome!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Spanish Blog And shizzlee

Ok so I have a Spanish blog for my Spanish class that I have to post to on certain days and today was one of them so I thought that I would post to my regular blog too! Here is the link for it : but I have to ask that no one comments on it or my teacher will get mad. School has started off good though I would much rather be outside or in Scotland the stuck in class and such. Love the new apartment though still have not quite got the internet stuff fixed yet! Shoot. Oh well.

I'm going to go off on a tangent here and discuss a slightly random topic but what is with all these girls with fake eyelashes lately? I think I must have seen 5 today and a lot in the past week (at least at USF) with fake eyelashes. I don't understand it? They don't look nice and you can always tell girls are wearing them... I just want to be like "sweethart your eyelashes don't look that bad, you look like more of a clown with them on then you would with them off". Does this mean that I missed the memo (which I wouldn't follow anyways) that fake eyelashes are suddenly in for every day wear (I mean lovefest and prom aside..) or do I have some kind of level of eyelash self-confidance that I didn't even know about? Ok sorry, what a rant I just had... over it and moving on.

This weekend will be very busy busy, house warming parties, family visiting, parties and the ever nagging school work to attended to... and I still cant get it out of my head that a lot of my friends are moving back into the bubble (St. Andrews) without me. Good luck my St. A friends! Make this year count because you know next year things are going to start to really matter! haha!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Raindrops on roses.

Favourite things ever:



Ps. I took both those picturas!



Monday, August 24, 2009


Tomorrow I begin my senior year of university. Right now I'm sitting in the library watching all these people walk by that I have never seen before. I was only gone for a year.... I can't have forgotten everyones face... so most of these people are freshman or sophomores. It's so weird. Sitting here knowing that this is the last year that I'll be coming back to school. Am I happy? Not really. Am I sad? A little. But more importantly I am nervous. I feel more nervous about the future then I did when I was a freshman. I miss Scotland. And I miss school there. I wish I was back there. But not because I think that life would be less scary there...Here everything just seems so sudden and in your face. Ugh oh well, tuition is already paid. No going back now!

This year will be the craziest year ever. School, job, LSATS studying and classes, maintaining a varied and interesting social schedule.... Will I get into law school? Will I not? Will I actually graduate? Will I enjoy myself or be to wrapped up in LSAT prep and jobs and school to have a good time? Well lets be honest... I always find a way to have a good time. Cross your fingers and your toes and toss some salt over your shoulder cause I'm about to find out.....


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I need a new pair of rainboots

And I would like a pair of Hunters but they are just so darn expensive... Ugh. Had a good and proper chat with Ms. Kathers today. I have so many dishes to do but I can't be bothered. Ugh. And what am I going to make for dinner? So bored. So bored.

If your in the city give me a holler.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I am a horrible blogger at the moment!


Sorry I have been slaking on my blogging responsibilities of late. I have been super busy finding a place to live in the city and unpacking and everything. I am still searching for a job through school and starting to study for the LSATS/ look for classes to take but have no fear I am starting blogging back up again today. This weekend was wonderful and I rode my bike through Golden Gate Park. I have also been swimming almost every day but this week I wont be able to swim much. Very very sad. I don't have internet in my flat so I find myself drinking horrible coffee down at the local coffee shop so as to be able to use their internet. Ugh I hate coffee (especially when it is bad). Promise a new and better blog post in a day or two but for now I am off because I have to start preparing dinner for tonight. (Todays menu: ravioli with heirloom tomatoes and basil, polenta, and proscuito [sure I spelled that wrong] and melon! mmmm yum yum! Hope my friends like it!)


Saturday, June 13, 2009


I have finally made it home. Yes I am back in California and I have a new and improved haircut y'all. Check it out yo!


P.s. To all the Americans out there, you can now reach me at my old cell number. Holla at your girl!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Greetings from Berlin!!!

So apologies ahead of time if there are a lot of typos, I am doing this on my iPod touch!

So I am now officially in Berlin after a rather rough night I'm the Edinburgh airport. I left on the 21st from St. Andrews and got to the Edinburgh airport around two am. On my at there I met this really nice girl name Zara on the bus who gave me a pound for my bus fair when I was short. We ended up talking and realizing we were both sleeping in the airport over night so ended up siting together. While it was nice to have a companion sleeping in the airport is never very pleasurable.

I made it to Berlin all right though I had a really hard time findin my way to Berlin central and my hostel.

I've already done a ton so I am just going to list it because and I am going to go to we soon. Thus far I have:

-gone to the Berlin Wall
-gone to check point Charlie
-seen a parade
-seen this really ugly needle thing they have
-gone to a beer garden
-had my favorite beer
... And so much more that I can't remember right now.

I miss you all so much! But now I
NEED to rest.


P.s. I had at least 8 people stop and ask me direction today... I didn't think I looked that german!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


While I should be studying... I need a break so I decided to write another blog post today.

As you all know back home, today is the special election in California... I hope you all vote (no matter what your for or against).


This song always seems to get me through everything...

--but I am so not prepared, and I don't care anymore. I can taste summer and home.--
.... this video is getting me through today....


Monday, May 18, 2009

one down...

one to go...

I can almost taste Berlin/Sardinia/Home/Maui/Lazy Day's in Golden Gate Park....



Friday, May 15, 2009

I'm sorry but my sister is just sooo much cooler then yours....

Take a look at the picture my little sister drew for my mom for Mothers Day.... It was inspired by Wicked/The Wizard of Oz and the medium was colored pencil...

Isn't it cool how she used Elphaba/The Wicked Witches stockings and the shoes and dress of Dorthy?

So proud of my little sister right now, this drwaing is FABULOUS! Way to go baby sister!


By the end of my European Adventure I will have slept in....

The airports of the following cities:

Madrid (horrendous... I do not recommend it)
London Gatwick (surprisingly O.K.)
Edinburgh (review soon to come)
London Luton (review soon to come)
London Heathrow (review soon to come)
Berlin (review soon to come)
Paris Charles De Gaulle (God I love the French!!!)

NO FREAKING JOKE... so I will be spending the night in Berlin, London Luton, London Heathrow and Edinburgh before I come home... I think when I get to SFO I'll probably be running on Redbull and directly injecting sugar in to my veins as if it was speed. 

I sooo must continue to study for this exam... not getting very far on studying though. Not good. So keen to come home and see you all!


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So it is official!!!

I fly into SFO  May 31st!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

The May Dip!

So this weekend was the May dip in St. Andrews... Basically:

The May Dip is a student tradition held annually at dawn on May Day. Students stay awake until dawn,( or in my case I took a wee nap and woke up at 4) at which time they collectively run into the North Sea. The May Dip is also traditionally the only way of removing the curse inflicted by stepping on the PH cobbles. If a student is to step on the stones he/she can be forgiven if on the dawn of the first of May, they run into the North Sea.

-I decided it was in my best interests not to run into the ocean (especially the North Sea and after finally getting over being ill for a long time) so instead I just dipped my hand in and filmed my friends being crazy running in. There is a video below and here are some of the pictures!

There were tons of people (even more then in this photo)

My crazy friends who did the May dip

The smart ones who didn't

After the May Dip

My version of the May Dip

The video of my friends running into the North Sea filmed and commentated on by yours truly!

Fun was had by all!


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sooo goood...

Watch and ENJOY....

Creep by Radiohead from Monkeehub



A few little things to get you through the day..

I've had this song stuck in my head all day...

And this one too.... but then again when do I not?


It's the final count down----

27 days baby.

-to see my dog
-to see my family
-to see my friends
-to sleep in my bed
-to actually see the sun for more then 2 hours at a time
-to eat proper mexican food
-to eat proper chinese/korean food
-to cook in a kitchen where I don't have to clean up other peoples messes
- for those lazy summer night
-to drink legally in the United States
-to finally get back to the greatest place on earth: San Francisco


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hey guys,

Apologises on the lag of information, was super sick there for a while (no I didn't have swine flu). I finally took my last dose of antibiotics last night... Whoo HOo.... and I am feeling relatively better if still a little tired and stuffy. While I was sick I didn't get anything done... which really sucked  and just laid in bed all day and slept. So now I have major work to do on essays... I have one due tomorrow (which I am super stressed about) and one due Monday. I know I should be working on my essays instead of writing on this thing but I need a bit of a break... the topic of Chinese democratisation is like a marathon  for my brain (I still have about 800 words to go by tomorrow... ick).

I thought I'd take a little time to share two unimportant things that made me think recently:

1. Ok not to get all PETA on everyone (in fact I really like meat and have a few things made out of leather)but.....Today as I was on my way to a lecture I saw this rabbit (who was obviously either old or very sick) being chased and bitten by a pair of black crows... (though I am not one to meddle in cycle of evolution/nature) it made me kind of feel bad how the rabbit was being tortured and bitten by the crows so I tried to swat them away when the rabbit came close to me (don't worry Mom I didn't touch it, I'm not that stupid). As I kept walking I mentioned to the girl walking next to me how kind of sad it was and she said "It just has [some sickness], who care if its going to die any ways...".  I am sorry, but people like her are the people who truely scare me in this world... yea it was only a rabbit but if you can't muster sympathy and compassion for other living creatures (especially ones that are dying) then what really sets you apart as a human from other living creatures.... ?

2. Today in the library I saw a very old many wearing a suit of blue crushed velvet.... it made me chuckle and think to myself gosh when I am that old I hope I'm a badass like that....

Ok so those last two things were really admittedly unimportant but whatever... I need to take my mind of my essay for a while. By the way my California crew.... In a month the glatty returnth... now get rid of swine flu or I'm not coming home at all.... joking. The countdown begins.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Promise more...

...updates soon to come when I am feeling better... until then this picture will just have to tie you over.

Note: Only one beer had been consumed before the taking of this photo... I am just that attractive.


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Today I ran into one of my professors in Boots (a store they have in the UK that I can only describe like if ULTA and a pharmacy had a love child....). He is kind of what you would think of the typical English professor with the posh-ish English (nationality  not subject) professor accent and the kind of academic personality that only comes from years of teaching at a university.  I don't think he remembered my name which is only to be expected after teaching as long as he has though I found it slightly comical. He recognised me though, and there was an awkward moment where I wasn't sure if we were just going to ignore each other or actually chat (we ended up talking, he asked me why I stayed, etc.). But the point of this story is... I love bumping into professors outside of the classroom and tutorial sessions. Its almost like seeing an animal in the wild. You have this image of them that you yourself build in your head and they themselves encourage with their daily classroom behaviour and then you see them outside of the classroom and your view of them totally changes.

To be perfectly honest though I am just glad I wasn't buying anything embarrassing. 


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Smoking a Cuban...

Due to some unfortunate circumstances (i.e. the American trade embargo) I have never been able to smoke a cigar from Cuba.

Due to a more unfortunate circumstance (i.e. my chronic bronchitis here in Scotland that has yet to go away) I have given up smoking large cigars. My unfortunate health problem has presented a great problem while studying over here in Scotland because it is much easier to get my hands on a real Cuban cigar in the UK then it would be in the US. While not going back on my word and smoking a large cigar yesterday I was presented with the unique opportunity to smoke a Cuban cigarillo. For those of you who don't know a cigarillo is a smaller version of a cigar. There is no filter and you are meant to smoke it like a cigar (not inhaled like a cigarette).

One of my friends Ms. Scholarios went with her lovely boyfriend (for all intensive purposes we will call him Mr. German) on a trip to Slovakia and Austria. There Mr. German bought some cigars and cigarillos that had been imported from Cuba. When they came back to Scotland Mr. German was kind enough to share two of the cigarillos with Ms. Scholarios and I. Being that they were Cubans and cigarillos (not large cigars) I let myself partake in the uncommon pleasure (at least for Americans) of smoking them with her. It was a small pleasure that I don't usually don't allow myself anymore. (Don't worry Mom I wont start smoking large cigars again) But I documented it. Bahah. Cause when again am I going to be able to smoke something that came from Cuba?

From Cuba BABY....

Oh yes.

You can laugh at me because they are smaller cigars but the fact of the matter is I fulfilled a life long dream while not going back on my word about the larger cigars. 


P.S. It was completely legal since I:

A. Didn't try to smuggle them back into the States
B. Didn't buy them
C. Didn't go to Cuba

Saturday, April 4, 2009

And some congrats are in order...

Well hello everyone at home,
First of all I would just like to apologise for not writing in a while. Things have been slightly stressful as of lately (I have tons of reading, papers and two presentations due in two weeks)... so unfortunately I wasn't able to travel for spring break... which to be perfectly honest kind of BLOWS, but I take solace in the consolation that perhaps taking these two classes will possibly make me a better politics student.... bahaha. Ok no, I would rather have a bad GPA and be travelling right now the locked in my room with a huge stack of International Relations textbooks but rationality got the better of me. Plus I rather like Scotland....a lot.

Secondly, I would just like to give a big CONGRATULATIONS to my little sister Glatty Jr. who officially accepted her spot and San Francisco State University. San Francisco is just going to have too much Glatt to handle. I am so happy that she is going to be in the same city as me and that she is pursuing what makes her truly happy!

Congrats to Glatty Jr.

Thirdly, well there is not really a thirdly I guess. More just me musing about life in general and my utter consumption into the life of politics. Either one day my studying is going to totally pay off and I'll be President or its going to blow up in my face and I'll find myself 20 years from now doing something totally unrelated to what I am studying.

Speaking of jobs, if anyone has any suggestions I am open. I think I am going to try and get and internship with the city of SF this summer but basically anything could happen at this point.

Fourthly, I would just like to wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ms. JEN JEWELL! Wish I could be there celebrating with you in Aberdeen! Hope your birthday is fab! Love you!

Life is brilliant despite me being stuck in my room writing and reading. Take a little time to smell the daffodils (which grow like weeds here in Scotland).


The birthday girl!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Booked my ticket back to America for May 31st....


Thursday, March 26, 2009

Ok really nothing important but....

I am growing my hair back long. Hahah. After a week of having it short (and while I still like it...) short hair is way more work then long hair... and I just can't be bothered to do it. Soooo back to growing my hair.....


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Things I will miss:

...This is an on going list


Friday, March 20, 2009

Attention friends....

I forgot to tell people/anyone that I have decided to disable my Facebook for a while.. don't worry I am not dead... just sick of Facebook! If you want to get a hold of me just email/skype/call/leave a comment on this thing. It shouldn't be too hard for most of you.

Sometimes I think there are just to many distractions out there (hopefully this thing doesn't turn into one).

Hope all is well!


P.S. Did you know that Mothers day in the UK and Mothers day in the US are on two separate days? Well I didn't and freaked out and apparently I am two months too early.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I am getting my hair cut tomorrow....

and I can't decide whether to go short or not...



Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I miss Korean food....

The second I get back to San Francisco I am going to Korean BBQ...

I can't believe I have hung on so long.....



Thursday, March 5, 2009

Taking a wee break from essay writing...


After being sick for nearly a full 2 months and having not seen a doctor in nearly six I broke my record and for the first time went to a doctor at the NHS. A lot of Scotts and English complain about the NHS but in my opinion (and pardon my language) they are full of shit. It's not that bad. I would usually wait that long at a doctors office in America, the doctor was great and I didn't have to pay about a billion dollars for my prescriptions (like I would have to in America)... not to mention that I only hold a visa and I am not a UK citizen. Ahhhh I love the UK even more now. -THIS HAS ONLY CONFIRMED MY BELIEF THAT THE U.S. NEEDS A NATIONAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM - Call me a socialist, laugh at me (and I know some of my St. Andrews friends who read this blog probably are...) but seriously America, it puts you to SHAME.


p.s. I'm ok, I just have a bronchial & sinus infection that only need antibiotics... no need to worry Grandma(s).

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Its that time of year again...

No not spring break.... it's essay season again... and like previous seasons I have yet again become a hermit. I shouldn't even be on this thing but I just had to have a break.

While I am sure there is a credit crunch/recession happening out there in the real world, I have to say I don't see many St. Andrews students really being affected by it... though I am. I just paid my credit card bill and am weeping softly to myself (ok not really).

Love and miss you guys


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cadbury always has the best adverts... hahah, love it.

Make sure to watch the whole thing cause it really doesn't start going till about the middle.


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Rest of Mr. & Mrs. Gatty trip to the UK....

So I'll give you the little speech about these pictures again but make sure you scroll down to the second posting to see the rest!

"Hey guys! So I finally am uploading and tell everyone back at home about the fabulous time that I had when my parents came to visit... the first days (London) are at the bottom and the middle days (St. Andrews) are more towards the top. This going to be less like my blog about Paris and more like a photo journal of their trip.... SO HERE IT FINALLY IS (apologise to my those of you who have asked me why it has taken so long to blog it...):" -Taken from the posting below this which has the rest of the pictures for the UK trip so GO LOOK.

Driving along on our way to Oban

The top most part of Rosslyn Chapel... so beautiful!

The view and the old castle (that you can't really see..) from Rosslyn.

More of Rosslyn

...and more (they gave it a an "umbrella" over the original roof!)..

.... and more....

Dad going into Rosslyn

Me going into Rosslyn

Mom going into Rosslyn.... we couldn't take pictures inside though

Rosslyn from the outside

 Me and Dad at Stirling Castle

Awww.... Mom and Dad at Stirling Castle

My mom and I making faces in Stirling...

Castel... cool huh?

My "Oh my gosh its a huge highland cow..." face.

Mom and Dad feeding it.

Me, unsure about how I feel about feeding it... as usually happens on our holidays... ala the infamous Venice and the Pigeons incident....

Gorgeous church that I snuck on the property to get a picture of...

So cute.... 

The Highland cow that has it better then I do...


Over one of the Loch's in Scotland on the way back from Oban

Me pretending to be a good photographer... 

I live in this gorgeous place... Cool huh?


Mom and Dad in Oban, Scotland

Having some difficulties getting ready for the picture (Oban, Scotland)

Dads keeps the shades on so as not to show his embarrassment.... (Oban, Scotland)

Beautiful day.

Oban cont. .....

"We made it to Loch Lomond!"

Loch Lomond, Scotland

Loch Lomond.

Hope you enjoyed some of the pictures. Keep checking back because as you should know by now I am blogging more lately!
