So I made it! I am currently sitting in my room in New Hall in St. Andrews Scotland! Very exciting. I met the nicest girl in the airport in Manchester who was American and also going to St. Andrews. She introduced herself and we wound up on the same flight to Edinburgh. (She will thus forth be referred to as Brynn). Brynn was super nice and let me stay with her the night in Edinburgh so that I didn’t have to travel a ton to get to St. Andrews and could just take the new student shuttle to St. Andrews with her the next day (I am so glad I ran into her). While we were waiting in line to get are keys into the dorm we both met the nicest girl name Connie who is from England. If it wasn’t for Connie I would probably still be standing in the entrance hall scratching my head. She literally has shown me everything (sooo greatful). She took me all around the shops today and I spent a load of money getting things like shampoo and a cell phone.Its weird getting use to things here like…. The fact that they give you alcohol as a way to meet people in the dorms. First of all I was like whoa I can drink, and then its like hey here is the school giving you wine and drinks and stuff in your hall which was sooooo different. I’m getting use to some of the lingo though. Freshman are not called freshman, they are called freshers. Tonight we went out after the mixer to the Union which is basically like a big place to met students where they can dance and get drinks. I’ll let you more in on all the details later but I just wanted to say that I am here and that I love and miss you guys and I am already having a fab time!
Oh and by the way I have already lost me keys and had to have them replaced and blown out the electricity in my room…… yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhh…….

Me looking haggard and delirious but in one piece in the Edinburgh Airport.
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