Thursday, October 9, 2008

I love this country but I miss...

*Farmers Markets
*Trader Joes
*Whole Foods
*Crayfish from the Ferry Building
*Queso Fresco
*TWO BUCK CHUCK (drank only under parental supervision of course.....)
*Persimmons from the Farmers Market at the Ferry Building, Lexi if you reading this please go get one and eat it for me since it would cost you tooo much to overnight it.
*Heirloom Tomatoes
*Korean BBQ
*Rochers from Tartine
*Oysters at the Farmers Market on Saturdays and making Lexi/Gretchen eat them.
*Dads BBQ Ribs
*Moms Meatloaf
*Frozen Yogurt at YOCUP
*Cabernet Sauvignon Gelato 
*Pad Thai, Mee Krob, Tom Kha Gai

.... and of course all of you....

This is of course a short list, and will become an on going post. I love it here, its amazing.... but there are just a few things I miss.


1 comment:

Lovely Lexi said...

I ate an oyster for you at a family bbq this weekend. I wansn't gonna do it but I had one for you :)