Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I am a horrible blogger at the moment!


Sorry I have been slaking on my blogging responsibilities of late. I have been super busy finding a place to live in the city and unpacking and everything. I am still searching for a job through school and starting to study for the LSATS/ look for classes to take but have no fear I am starting blogging back up again today. This weekend was wonderful and I rode my bike through Golden Gate Park. I have also been swimming almost every day but this week I wont be able to swim much. Very very sad. I don't have internet in my flat so I find myself drinking horrible coffee down at the local coffee shop so as to be able to use their internet. Ugh I hate coffee (especially when it is bad). Promise a new and better blog post in a day or two but for now I am off because I have to start preparing dinner for tonight. (Todays menu: ravioli with heirloom tomatoes and basil, polenta, and proscuito [sure I spelled that wrong] and melon! mmmm yum yum! Hope my friends like it!)


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