Thursday, February 18, 2010

Don't Fence Me In....

Everything I am feeling right now...


Ps. Don't fence me in.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Hall and Oates, and heart disease (please read ps.)

Elisabeth Hasselbeck, you've ruined my mornings. I use to really enjoy waking up to the View (American morning show) and now whenever I watch it I have to have it on mute. She is so inept and such a puppet for the conservative right. I have to say I might loathe her more then Sarah Palin. At least Sarah Palin is a joke.

On to happy things!

I've recently been really obsessed with this song...

I know, very random yes? But doesn't it just make you want to jump up and walk down the street with a smile on? And some brightly colored spandex? With a side ponytail? Yes yes yes?

There will be some new postings on the Epicurious Academic blog today so go check it out BTW.

This week is SF beer week so I'll have to keep you all posted on that and then Chinese New Year so everything is very busy, but then I'll have a lot of stuff to post about so ho hum...


Ps. Campbell's is doing a campaign where if you go on there website and click this button they will donate $1 to the American Heart Association. Please go and click! The campaign lasts until March 31st!

GO TO THE CAMPBELL'S WEBSITE HERE! (click on the click now button and help raise money for heart disease!)

Monday, February 8, 2010

I'm not going to post about Saints...

Because I don't care about football (American football that is). I really like European football (or soccer) so shout out to all my European and English/Scottish readers about my trip this summer? Lets take a detour to Stamford Bridge.

So I know this isn't down some of your roads but I really want to post a quick link about this blog I've been following thanks to a friend Docta Shoes. He sent me to this blog Style Rookie started by a girl named Tavi. She must not be older then 13 or 14 since she just had her Bat Mitzvah. I've been following it for a little bit and while I am not really into fashion its really refreshing to read a blog by someone who is so inspired and excited by something. She has come under some criticism lately because (since she has started to get more famous) more attention has been paid to the trips she gets to take to go watch front show fashion shows (while missing school). It really makes me sad that people are baggin' on this girl who is just pursuing what makes her happy. Man doesn't it just feel like yesterday that we were all so
inspired by something? Maybe you wanted to be superman, or a nun (like I did after watching the Sound of Music), a ballerina, or a doctor? Seriously, if we all pursued what we want like this girl maybe adults wouldn't feel so repressed. I don't know that just me... I'm getting off my soapbox now.

On a brighter note... My cumpleaƱos is coming up soon and I was thinking about what would be the ultimate birthday cake. I'm thinking one shaped like a giant lobster with fake seaweed and oysters all around it.... or a scene with Hans Solo, Chewbaca, C3p0, R2D2, etc, etc. Or maybe the two combined? Because that sounds very cool.


Ps. Stairs + Slide = All my childhood dreams.
This picture spammed from HERE

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Oh and a quick shout out...

Happy Birthday Papa Glatt!

We love you!!

All the Glattys

And I'm back

I'm sure no one reads this thing anymore since I haven't posted on it in ages... however, being gainfully unemployed (yes this is not a mistake I did put gainfully before unemployed... interpret that as you will...) I find that I have time for things that I want to do again like writing my blog. It's nice to get back into the swing of things and write certain thoughts and feelings down on this thing. Cathartic perhaps?

First thing, sometimes I am very torn as to what to put up on this blog. While I am not so naive as to think a million people read this thing I struggle daily with myself wether or not to put up blogs of a political nature. I don't want to alienate friends and family who I know swing more the the right while it is no secret that I am on the left. I also don't want to turn into those people who always seem to annoy and rub people the wrong way (i.e. certain acquaintances, genetic relations and of course Elizabeth Hasselbeck). However, I feel that time has come for me to start putting up more of my personal and political views on this thing and if you can't stand it well... I'm sorry... no I'm not actually... You don't have to read it!

Second, this blog will also continue to be somewhat of a daily insight into my life, which will continue to be about traveling, life, not food (I already have another blog for that sorry, but you should go check it out!, and now my all consuming search for a job and what I am actually going to do with my life. So if there are any of you left out there stay tuned.


Ps. I will still be trying to keep up this ps. section...


Ps. I know they are a couple of seasons old and I may have mentioned them on here before but these shoes are fascinating (and isn't that what fashion is suppose to be? Non?) so Thank you Alexander McQueen for opening up my eyes. I don't know if I love them or hate them but I can't look away....

Genius Beauty or Ugly Trainwreck... you decide.