Thursday, January 8, 2009

I promise you I will post the rest of Paris and New Years very soon but I wanted to take a little break from studying and write about something that has really been bothering me the lately. As someone who identifies themself as "ethnically" Jewish (thats a whole different sociological can of worms I will not get into) it pains me to say that I am embarrassed by the recent Israeli action in Gaza.  I am not against an Israeli state but I think that Israel should stop giving the rest of the world a reason to be so.

To be perfectly honest, retaliation on the behalf of Palestine would be easily justifiable, and in fact retribution has occurred as a result of a lot less. The only thing that is keep the Middle East from blowing Israel off the map is the many significant religious areas in Israel. 

I am embarrassed and ashamed by the civilian causalities. No justification (not Hamas, nothing) can justify the taking of civilian lives. Even the UN has had to stop aid because of causalities.

I am embarrassed that a people so persecuted for so long have become the persecutors,  and that the United States is sitting idly by as the Israeli-Palestine conflict implodes (not to mention that much of the problem is the fault of the US). 

It is time for Israel to grow up and stop acting like a petulant child with bombs.

* I promise that the lightness of my posts is soon to return, but I just could not hold my tongue any longer. This is not to stay that I still don't believe in the existence of a Jewish state... I do. I just cannot agree with the actions of Israel.*

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