Monday, October 13, 2008

The Crazy Competitive Atmosphere

I'm not going to lie. I really didn't realise what I was getting myself into by coming to St. Andrews. I knew St. Andrews was a really good school and I knew it was competitive but I didn't realise that the level of competitiveness was so high. Here is the story, today I was sitting in the library reading my book on democracy when this girl walks by me and sits in front of the desk that I was sitting at. She then proceeds to walk around to where my desk is which is right next to the wall and take out two library books that she has hidden behind my desk. This girl had consciously hidden library books in the library for her own use so that others could not check them out! I literally was at a loss for words (which doesn't happen often). I can't even begin to express how annoyed I am with the extreme level of competitiveness here. I believe myself to be a somewhat competitive person but not to the point of sabotaging others. 

*Urghhhh I also realised today that I have two 5,000 word paper due on the same exact day*

On a slightly more silly note, today I stopped a Scottish family in the street so that I could pet their Bichon Frise (and if you don't know that's the kind of dog I have at home) for five minutes. I think they though I was completely looney but it was a little slice of home.


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